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Re: 156th Avn Co (RR) Can Tho SVN

From: John Totter
Date: 6/8/2003
Time: 4:26:41 PM
Remote Name:


Greg: It seems that I got to the 156th about a month after you left. By the time I got there, or shortly after, the Comm Center moved into a new bunker with the 335th. I was pretty friendly with one of the MPs that had been on a previous tour but don't remember his name. He told a story of firing an M60 without permission and then going out and finding the remains of a mortor crew on his previous tour. I don't remember if it was him or one of the ohter MPs. During my tour, we were pulling guard duty about every 5th day. Then they added several guards for the motor pool and flight line. That got us down to about every third day until the MPs volunteered to do the motor pool and flight line. That got us back on better schedule. About 2/3rds of the way through the tour, they did lock up our weapons in the arms room. We had to check them out just before guard duty and turn them in within 2 hours of comming off duty even though we were on reserve for the next night.

Last changed: June 08, 2003