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From: Sp/4 Neil Wilfong 271st AVN Bat
Date: 1/24/2003
Time: 8:55:49 PM
Remote Name:
In repsonse to the Jan attack: I was there when it happen; At about 0300 hrs I was in my bunk when the first rockets hit the south end of the field we all rolled out many to the bunker, I went to the south end with three other guys ( don't remeber their names) I detailed those three to form a line in the revetments along the ramp and take cover there. I took the taxi way to the end this is where hell brke loose for about five minutes then it was some what over as they already unloaded the rockets and sac charges. Who ever stated that the gooks went through the drainage dirch is correct as two days prior I discovred this: This is that story: On that night in DEC I don't rem the date but about 0100 I called cmd bunker for relief and they said come on and get some coffee the mess hall just brought some. As I was walking up to command bunker near bunker no 2 I heard two sounds one a rifle bolt slamming and wire being cut the wire being cut was the first sound I heard I locked and loaded and flew into bunker 2 the two guys in there were about to pee in their pants they to were locked and loaded. I got on the field phone and called TOC for IR to come and scan the front. As usual some dumb ass asked why ? I have unfriendlys in my poistion and there are sounds of wire being cut. "can't be we have no reports of unfriendlies in the area" I just told them GD it I just heard the S*** send someone out here ! Now well about thirty minutes later here comes the jeep with the IR scope flying down the PSP runway ( we heard it long before we saw it and so did Charlie well the rest is history guys their respose was after scanning the area " there isn't anybody out there justt head high weeds and nothing else don't call us unless you come under fire." No back up to the attack after we had things under control and everyone was cleaning out their pants I walked over to command bunker and was stopped by MP's .I told them I was checking on some folks and he said who ? Dewitt Studway can you identify him he asked? sure. Well the only way I could was that Dewitt had a tatoo on his right arm ( and that was all that was left of him ) I made a pos ID and went back to base sat in the mess hall and don't remeber the rest of the day as I lost Dewitt you see Dewitt was from Mississippi like I and even though I was white and he black we were Mississippians and nobody mesed with either of us. By the way everyone in that bunker was killed all because some dumb ass went to sleep.. That's all I can remeber guys hope that helps..