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Re: 13th Avuation Battalion's move from downtown to the Airfield.

From: Joe O'Donnell Local175@sprynet.com
Date: 30 Apr 2001
Time: 16:36:00
Remote Name:


The move of the enlised personal to the Can Tho Airfield was made around the spring of 1967. I spent 2 tours of duty with the 13th Bn HQ. During the period April 1966 to April 67 we were billited in the Mecong Hotel. I returned to the 13th Avn Bn HQ in August of 1967. We were still billited in the Mecong Hotel in February of 67 because I remember watching the TET celebration fireworks from the hotel. I was also in the process of getting married to a Vietnamese secretary. Most of the paper work for the marriage was process when I was on the airfield. We were married on June 7, 1967 while I was stationed on the Can Tho Airfield. I left Viet Nam at the end of my second tour with the 13th Avn Bn in August 1967 and we had certainly been billited on the Airfield for quite a while at that time.

Last changed: November 06, 2001