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Date: 9/15/2003
Time: 1:36:10 AM
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The VC watched the movie "Dirty Dozen" and then attacked the Can Tho airfield. They cam in in ambulances pretending to be medics going to the runway for incoming dustoffs. They proceeded to put hand grenades with rubber bands in each Caribou and other plane on the airfield. When they starting blowing, the VC were waived out the gate by the ARVN Special Forces as they used the same ambulance and made believe they had wounded inside.
I was the senior advisor at the IV Corps POW Camp and prior to that I was the IV Corps ARVN Scout Dog Platoon Advisor. Both tours straddled the Can Tho Air Strip when in from the field. Lived at Eakin and avoided Ben Xe Moi. I remember claymores knocking off the MPs at least twice. We went to the Mekong Restaurant on the river and the Phong Din Lau on the 2nd floor by the market. The specialty was Asparagras Crab Soup. Everybody loved it. Never drank water if I could help it. Drank a lot of "33 and Xa Xe a sasparilla type of drink in a bottle that was little more than two swigs. I met the French guy who ran the Coca Cola bottling plant. I drank that Coke also. I am told Can Tho is quite beautiful today and you can tour the rivers and enjoy it, but at 67 I am too old to enjoy it anymore.
It was a war where we didn't hate the enemy for some strange reason. Hell we didn't even know who the enemy was.
Don Devaney