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From: Joe Moore
Date: 05 Jul 1999
Time: 15:27:03
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I remember a 550th pocket patch that we started using sometime in 72. The only photo I can find on the patch is one that I received from Rick of Jordan and Babbett sitting on the jeep in the Camp photos. But I can not get a clear enough view of the patch to try and duplicate it.
Charles Aresta sent me paper copies of a 550th patch was was used in Vietnam before the 72 patch and I hope to work that one and the 72 patch into the 550th web page if I can get a clear enough copy of the 72 patch to work from.
If any of the 550th people have a picture or sketch of the 72 patch it would really help.
The best I can remember it had a globe on it along with a guy either holding the globe or standing on top of it hold lighting bolts?
The early patch
that Charles Aresta sent.
A blowup of the 72 patch on
Babbett's jacket. The one that I am trying to find.
Thanks, Joe