Can Tho Discussion

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Re: Remembering the Comm Center

From: Joe Moore
Date: 16 Jun 1999
Time: 18:44:36
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Hi Ron,

Sorry about all the techy stuff. I was replying to Jim's question. He said he had a few picture to add to the site about the Can Tho area. I was trying to get my address to him and drop hints about the best files formats for picture to deal with. Basically I was hinting that is enough of you 52nd people have enough pictures and some word content to start a 52nd page to go under the site, I will be willing to help. But I am not retired, have a day job still with Uncle and in my spare time at home maintain 5 web domains and I have lost track of the number of sites on them. So I can not take on the task myself to research and build a 52n area, but I can help a few of you working together put an area under what I already have here.

Yes, I was pushing electrons for Uncle back in Vietnam and now I more or less work at pulling electrons for Uncle, trying to turn fleet and Depot aircraft data into usable information. In 72 we also ran a small Comm center at the ARVN post down town and had equipment and circuits there too. A couple of the guys that hang around the site were with the 550th just before I got there and they worked at the small Comm center down town. I have not been able to talk them into jumping into the discussion area yet though. We also made some hand carry trips down to the Eakin Compound too. I remember riding as guard on a few of the hand carries down there.

Yes, I think we were in the same hooch. I was downstairs second door on the right entering from door closest to the street. Opposite side from the latrine. Under the Camp photo shots the door where the dog is lying down. Oh, there is one 52nd photo already under the Camp shots that Tyson sent me. He was just passing through but took a photo looking down by what I think were most of the 52nd hooches. It does not show ours though, because ours was down at the end of the row in the shot.

Anyway, if you have some photos you would like to put up under the Town shots or Camp shots just Email them to me and I will see what I can do. If you do not have a scanner to put them into electronic format, I have a good scanner and can do it for you.

The bars down town were pretty much off limits when I was there except along one street. There are a couple of the photos under the Town shots of the area. I think one of the bottom pictures was a photo of one of the young school teachers that worked there that one of the guys sent me. :-)


Last changed: May 13, 2001